Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Unesco World Heritage city and sand dunes

A small colonial city Coro welcomed us with pleasant sea breeze, pretty historical mansions and noisy students at the bus stop that couldn't stop asking me why I came to Venezuela, how much was the ticket from Russia, why am I so skinny, and why I want to see sand dunes los Medanos (because per them "eww sand will be everywhere").

Coro mostly visited only as the entry point to the magnificent sand dunes of the Parque Nacional Los Médanos de Coro. And we were not an exception. A short bus ride from the center of the bustling city and you can't believe your eyes...a spectacular desert landscape with sand dunes of 30m in height.

/January 16-17, 2012/


MissSly said...

LOL @ the students... the sand dunes are beautiful though! 2nd pic is GORGEOUS, and the water in the 3rd pic looks like a heart =) miss ya girl! chat again soon xo

Tícia Machado said...

nice view!